COVID Resources
- Distributed Literature Recordings (NFHS)
- How-To Virtual Theatre (Pioneer Drama Service)
- Support for Freelance Artists
- Musical Theatre Educators’ Alliance
- Actors Equity Safety Recommendations
- Reopening Guide (Event Safety Alliance)
- IATSE Guidelines forthcoming
- Reopening Guide (Event Safety Alliance)
- Arts Education Partnership (AEP) COVID-19 Resources
Nat’l Federation of State HS Assoc. (NFHS)
- Arts Education is Essential
- COVID-19 Aerosol Study (updated 8/6)
- COVID-19 Aerosol Study FAQs
- COVID-19 Airborne Transmissions Estimator
- Copyright Guidance (General)
- Performing Arts COVID-19 Resources
- Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course (Free)
- Guidance for Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities
- US Copyright Office
- Ludus Safety Checklist: Hosting a Safe, Socially Distant Show
- COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool

Elementary & Secondary (PK-12)
- DPI Theatre: standards/resources for classroom or extracurricular theatre activities
- Wis. HS Theatre Festival: includes contests in One-Act, Thespian individual events, and Tech Olympics, as well as workshops, professional development, and exhibit expo.
- Educational Theatre Association (Thespians): national organization for resources and advocacy in theatre education.
- Jerry Awards: statewide musical theatre contest.
Curriculum/Lesson Plans
- High School Tech Theatre Lesson Plans: lesson plans and resources for drama teachers by Scott Parker.
- Colorado Curriculum/Unit Plan Samples
- BYU Theatre Curriculum Resources: Aligned to 1994 or 2014 national arts standards.
National Core Arts Standards: extensive list of standards in creating, performing, responding, and connecting; that same framework was used as the foundation for WI DPI’s new 2018 model academic standards in Theatre.
- High School Theatre Directors and Teachers (Facebook): post questions and offer advice
- Theatre Teacher Lesson Lending (Facebook)
- Technical Theater Educators (Facebook)
- High School Tech Email List (Google Group): post questions and offer advice.
- Stagecraft Email List: ask about technical problems, how-to’s, where to, what if, and career info. Members range from high school students to professional designers and technicians from all over the globe. It’s been described by some as “the stagehand’s virtual bar” in that the conversation ranges from the extremely technical (mechanical design for theatre) to the mundane (best places to get BBQ when you’re on tour in various cities.)
- Stage Lighting Overview: Jeff Salzburg and Judy Kupferman compiled intro to stage lighting.
- Costume Discounters has links to many additional resources.